Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Girl Scout Cookie NIGHTMARE

My sweet Sydney decided this year that she wanted to try Girl Scouts out. I said sure and she has had a good time so far. But several months ago the Troop leader (and neighbor) asked me to be the Cookie Mom. I didn't know to much about it and asked a FEW questions about the job description. I thought it over (5 minutes) and said yes. Boy was I in for an awakening.

Not only did I have to pick up 2000+ cookies in my suburban (I think that the car was a shoe in to get the job) the first week. But I have been in charge of 15+ cookie site sales, moms coming to my house to get extra cookies (all the while keeping track of those cookies too), and also depositing $11,500 into a bank account. I am SO not the paper pusher nor an accountant. This has stretched me so far, I think I am going to burst. Needless to say, my nightmares of loosing cookies in my garage are subsiding. And keeping track of my 4 year old and all the Thin Mint boxes he opened have added to my own cookie count. I started out with 2 boxes we pre-ordered and are now up to 10. Good thing my Nicholas is so cute!!!!!

Anyway, if you ever have a girl in Girl Scouts...stay away from the Cookie Mom job. There is always someone in the bunch who will do it!

Pay It Forward

Today Whitney and I were running errands and I felt the need to drive thru Starbucks and get a coffee. You know running errands with a two year old is a lot of work. :)

Anyway, I go a head and order my usual...Quad (yes 4 shots of espresso-one for each child I have) Venti, nonfat, no whip, white chocolate mocha; and of course a choco milk for the princess in the back. As I pull up to pay, the cashier tells me the woman in front of me paid $5 of my total order. No, I didn't know this woman she was a complete stranger. The cashier did give me a name and address that she had left. So I have written her a thank you note already.

But what is so great, is that the kids (yes all FOUR) were with me one day about a month ago and we bought a construction worker doing work in the cold weather a Hot Chocolate, and told her thanks for doing what she did. It was a great lesson to teach my kids of giving just to give. Hoping that one day she might do the same for someone else.
So if you are ever $5 bucks rich and want to spread some love and goodness, buy someone coffee or even a cheeseburger. It doesn't take much to give a little!!!